
Vydavatel: Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2017

Kategorie: Pedagogická fakulta

Rok vydání: 2017

Velikost knihy: 5,22 MB

ISBN: 978-80-905054-2-1

Poslední aktualizace: 7. 1. 2022

Formát knihy: mKniha

Biomechanical Basis of Physical Exercises

Mgr. Daniel Jandačka, Ph.D.

Many students in the field of kinanthropology ask themselves: what is the use of studying biomechanics? Will biomechanics help us being a better teacher of physical education, a better coach or a better worker in the field of recreology? In this chapter We will present reasons why students of physical education, coaching, and recreology find biomechanics included in their curriculum.

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