Vydavatel: Samara
Kategorie: Ostatní
Rok vydání: 2021
Velikost knihy: 2,47 MB
Poslední aktualizace: 12. 7. 2023
Formát knihy: PDF
Matematicheskaya racionalizaciya processa formirovaniya ugolovnogo zakonodatelstva, a takzhe pravoprimenitelnoi praktiki na ego osnove [Mathematical rationalization of the process of forming criminal legislation and law enforcement practice on its basis]
The monograph contains the currently available methods of mathematization and systematization of the norms of criminal law, as well as the practice of their use, including:
- a brief overview of the capabilities of modern information-analytical "assistants" for professional lawyers and laymen;
- a mathematical analysis of the principles of construction of the sanctions of the criminal law norms of about 30 states;
- the concept of "intermediate = smoothed" (diametrically opposed to the present universally used "staggered") qualification and punishability of illegal acts, gradually passing from one to another by changing the basic quantitative characteristics of public danger; special attention is paid to the probability of a negative result.
The result of the author's research was a set of proposals to improve the law enforcement activities of courts of general jurisdiction at the present stage of its development.
The work is not limited to theorizing, filled with both simulated examples and illustrative cases from the real judicial and investigative practice.
The monograph has a universal interstate and interdisciplinary character and is intended for teachers, graduate students, undergraduates and students of law schools, as well as for legal practitioners involved in the system of justice.