
Publisher: Samara

Category: Ostatní

Release date: 2018

Book size: 2,23 MB

Last update: 10. 11. 2023

Book format: PDF

Alternativnaya model naznacheniya ugolovnogo nakazaniya. Kompromissnaya formalizaciya ugolovnogo sudoproizvodstva [An alternative model for assigning criminal punishments. Compromise formalization of criminal proceedings]

Aleksei Petropavlovskii

The monograph contains general techniques and methods of statistical analysis of information from law-enforcement documents for the subsequent issuance of a fair verdict. This work includes many proposals for improving the law enforcement activity of courts of general jurisdiction at the present stage of its development. The monograph is addressed to teachers, postgraduates, masters and students of law universities, as well as to legal practitioners involved in the system of justice implementation.

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